Stop Motion Animation Success!

Stop Motion Animation at the Dodgeville Public Library

Carol Gleichauf, Children’s Librarian

I have collaborated with UW-Extension Iowa County staff Debra Ivey and Ruth Schriefer on various projects over the last few years.  When the Makerspace grant rolled out, I invited them to attend the showcase at SWLS with me and we picked out some kits for use with children in our library.

Most recently, we used the Stop Motion Animation with two groups of students – 3 Iowa County 4-Hers and 6 Dodgeville elementary children. Our plans were grandiose and as we started our preparations, reality set in.  Rather than a 3-part series with the same group of students, we figured out that one 90-minute session would be fine and that our original plan for each student to produce a 2-2 ½ minute video featuring a children’s book from the library would need to be replaced with a Stop Motion illustration of a page from a children’ book.  It was important to us to tie the kit/technology with literacy.  The results are quick videos with about 100-150 frames for each.

The 4-Hers and the other children LOVED the project.  The 4-Hers each created their own videos while the other children worked in pairs. They were all familiar and comfortable with the Mini iPads (unlike Ruth and me) and a couple of them had tried Stop Motion before.  They were diligent in creating their scenes and spent LOTS of time with Legos, Play-Doh, paper and markers. They learned about attention to detail and that small movements could help or hinder their project.

The equipment & directions provided in the kits helped stimulate our creativity and give us ideas for the participants.  Be sure to practice with the Mini iPads, the Stop Motion app, the “stage”, etc. before you share it with a group and then you can continue to learn together.

Our movies will also be featured on YouTube. Also, remember to log off the Mini iPads before sending them on to the next library.


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